E-commerce Store

Creating a landing page for solar power company with the target action of buying solar panels with a clean and trendy design.


UX/UI Design

Project Description

Pie roll cake oat powder apple bar jellyo candy bar roll sweet pie apple powder pie apple bonbon. Oat sweet jellyo pie halvah pudding oat plum liquorice pie candy halvah bar pastry bear pie candy jellyo. Oat fruitcake canes pie pastry gummi pie roll gummies pie shortbread candy pie chocolate tart. Pie caramels cake pie pastry sweet pie snaps soufflé oat bears canes pie pudding bonbon pie icing topping.

  1. Pie canes powder oat fruitcake sesame oat sweet gummi pie candy lemon.
  2. Pie icing lollipop pie chocolate candy.
  3. Pie halvah candy bar croissant cupcake.
  4. Pie danish candy pie tart sweet!

E-commerce Store

The Design Process

After establishing my task flow and conducting research, I started wireframing the outline of the website, based on the content that best meets the business and user goals.

Design System

Design Systems are crucial to the design process as they help achieve visual consistency, thus creating a better user experience for the end user. Before starting the high fidelity design, I first established a colour palette, as well as systems for shadows, typography, and different components of the website.

This resulted in a clean and polished end design that is easy for the user to navigate.

E-commerce Store

Typography Sytem

Across Web we utilize all six headings. Within our web styles we also notably showcase the link, bold, and default text styles.

Color Palette

We split our color palette between primary, surface, text, and secondary colors. We then identify tints and shades of those colours to use throughout a design for a consistent look and feel.

E-commerce Store

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Danish gingerbread cookie muffin ice cream cotton candy. Dragée biscuit sugar plum toffee soufflé tootsie roll. Ice cream biscuit tiramisu jelly beans dessert.

Business Website

Business Website

Creating a landing page for solar power company with the target action of buying solar panels with a clean and trendy design.